Municipal Clerk: Mounir Almaita, RMC
973-595-7766 ext. 103
510 Belmont Ave, Haledon, NJ 07508
The Borough Clerk’s Office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Council Agenda Meeting
The meeting agenda for next Borough Council meeting will be available in the clerk's office prior to the meeting.
The Municipal Clerk’s Office is responsible for preparing the agendas, and minutes of the meetings of the Mayor and Council. In addition, the office is responsible for conducting all elections, specifically the school board, primary, general and all special elections, and for the issuing of various licenses, including licenses for dog and cats, raffles, liquor establishments and commuter parking decals. The office also has applications for passports and passport renewals.
The Municipal Clerk is the corporate secretary for the Borough’s Governing Body and maintains the official records and Borough contracts.
Licensing of dogs and/or cats. Proof of the rabies vaccination is need. Please click here on further information and application.
Elections play an important part in the life of the Haledon community.
Three elections are held each year: the Primary, the General and the School Board.
To qualify to register to vote, one must:
· be a citizen of the United States
· be 18 years old or older by the date of the next election
· have resided in the State of NJ and the county for 30 days by the day of the next Election.
OPRA - Open Public Records Act
Please contact the Municipal Clerk's office for any public record request at 973-595-7766 Ext. 103 or Ext. 104
How and Where to Register
A prospective voter may register in person at either the office of the County Superintendent of Elections, 311 Pennsylvania Ave, Paterson, or at the office of the Municipal Clerk in Haledon. A mail-in registration form is available from the County Superintendent of Elections 973-881-4515, the Municipal Clerk 973-595-7766.
When to Register A person must register at least 21 days preceding an election. Registered voters must re-register for the following reasons:
· change in name due to marriage, divorce or by judgment of a court
· change in residence
The exception to the re-registration rule is a move within the county.
· If the voter has moved within the county and has not notified the commission of registration, they may go to their new polling site and vote by Provisional Ballot.
When and Where to Vote
All registered voters receive in the mail from the County Superintendent of Elections a SAMPLE BALLOT containing the following information:
· where to vote
· hours when the polls are open
· public office up for election
· names of candidates
· public questions
· how to use a voting machine
· number of the election district
· handicap accessibility
Voting machines are used in all elections throughout the community. Provision is made for write-in votes for individuals whose names do not appear on the ballot. The complete election code is contained in Title 19 of the New Jersey Statutes, available in the office of the Municipal Clerk.
General Elections and Primaries
Haledon holds General Elections on the same date that national elections are held, the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Voting for national, state, county and local officials takes place at this time.
In NJ the Primary Election is held the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June. Voters select candidates from their own parties whom they want to have nominated for the General Election. New Jersey has what is known as a restricted Primary, that is, a voter must be a declared Democrat or Republican to vote in that Party's Primary. The only way to change party affiliation is to make a signed declaration at least 50 days preceding the Primary. Forms for this may be obtained from the Clerk's office. An undeclared voter may vote by declaring their party affiliation at the polling site.
Vote by Mail
In New Jersey, any voter can now vote by mail for any election. You no longer need a reason to receive an Vote by Mail Application.
Applications for Vote by Mail are available in the Municipal Clerk’s office.
Voters wishing to vote by mail must complete the Vote by Mail Application and mail the application to the County Clerk no later than 7 days prior to the election. A voter may also apply in person to the County Clerk until 3:00P.M. the day before the election. The County Clerk cannot accept faxed copies of an Absentee Ballot Application since an original signature is required.
After the County Clerk receives and approves the Vote by Mail Application, an Vote by Mail Application will be mailed to the voter. The Vote by Mail Application must be received by the County Board of Elections at 401 Grand Street, Paterson, NJ, by 8:00P.M on Election Day.
Municipal Nominations
Each party nominates its local candidates by petition which must be filed with the Municipal Clerk at least 57 days before the Primary. A candidate for local office must have been a resident and a registered voter for at least one year before running. If two or more candidates seek their party's nomination for any office, the choice is made at the Primary Election.
School Board Elections
The annual School Board Election is held on the third Tuesday in April. As in other elections, registration closes 21 days before the voting date. The school budget is presented to the voters for approval at the same time.